Kanchanaburi In that historic place we had our slow Thailand's farewell. We decided to take it easy and go with the flow without exerting any pressure on ourselves seizing the last chance to see this and that. We enjoyed our stay, finding a nice guest house to begin with – we had a raft-room floating on the river :D where even a monitor lizard didn't refrain himself from paying us a visit one afternoon ;) I t was scorching, the sun was not giving us any relief whatsoever, so we were watering our fatigued bodies unceasingly and pampered ourselves with iced drinks as often as possible. By and large, we spent those days on eating last pat-thai's, watching incredibly absorbing “The Vikings” series (which I fell in love with relentlessly!) and, as a paramount purpose of our visit, undert ook a day-trip jumping on a train which passes th rough the famous bridge over the river Kwai . Historical spot not to be missed! Again, the views behind the glass-less window...
Everything changes all the time. So do we. Let's become the change we want to see in the world!