SAGA. The dog. Name - derived from the old Scandinavian word expressing a "tale, story", usually associated with mythology and stories about Vikings' voyages. As a matter of fact, it has nothing to do with tea , and my alleged uttermost love for it, as some have suggested. :P Rescued from a dog shelter, in Gdańsk ( Promyk ) in January, the 21st. Must be around 8-10 y.o. according to the people in the dog shelter and the vet I consulted afterwards. When I first saw her on the shelter's website that's what I saw: a bit scared, scruffy little black thing. Something drew me to look the website up, I was lingering such a long time with getting a dog, so I must have thought: When, if not now? Then I saw her behind the bars, in -8C cold, and went for our first walk together. It probably wasn't the most enjoyable morning she had, as it was quite windy and the freezing cold was getting into the bones. Her litt...
Everything changes all the time. So do we. Let's become the change we want to see in the world!