Some time ago we were invited, by our neighbour living on the same property, for juice making! He's been making it every single year since he was 18. So probably for over 30 years now! (although I am not entirely sure how old he is ;) ) The juice. It is made from apples picked from a few places where Sebastian works as a handyman and there are sacks of them offered to him as the owners are not going to make any use of them. This way, every year at early fall, he starts his apple juice production in his hut, which is built in the furthest corner of 'our' garden. He lives there, in that hut. He built it himself many years ago out of recycled material and made it self-efficient energy-wise. Now, to the point > about the juice: To start with - cleaning the bottles: Using branch shredder - apples are getting shredded to a pulp: then it's taken in a bucket to a tumble-drier (yep, the one for clothes) and part by part ...
Everything changes all the time. So do we. Let's become the change we want to see in the world!