Brain enema. Mind decluttering. Brain detox. These and more elaborate are the definitions given by teachers of Vipassana meditation technique I decided to give myself in again, for the 2nd time.
10 days in complete silence, without or at least with a very limited human
contact of any kind, with absolutely nothing to distract from looking
inward: no reading or writing, no physical exercise - except from one > sitting 10-11hs a day and meditating. I took up the challenge again.
Vipassana is a meditation technique, which is not simply about gathering up your mind, focusing and concentrating it. It is
so much more! The principles are non-sectarian and not associated
with any philosophy, therefore - utterly universal. What one is
focusing on - for some for the first time in their lifes - is the
reality, the present moment, as it is. As it is, not as one wants it
to be. Purifying one’s mind by constant and very scrupulous
observation of the breath and sensations in the body, arising and
passing away, arising and passing away. Many, many hours of such
practice are helping a student to realize what is the actual reality
of one’s life, the common denominator of everybody’s misery,
emptiness and fear that lies within. Such experience might be
attained only by persevere, serious practice according to the
instructions given in daily discourses.
The essence of the practice is the very experiential level of the
observation within one’s body-framework, so it is not merely an
intellectual entertainment to understand what the reality and truth
The place I went to this time was: Dhamma Dipa in Herefordshire, UK. Nevertheless there are many centres around the world, all run on a donation basis (so are the courses). If you're interested you can find them here.
If you think 'this is not for me' / 'I've never meditated before, so I won't get hold of it...' - it is not true or does not matter at all :) It is FOR ALL AND EVERYONE who wants to live better, live more aware and conscious of what's going on within, who actually wants to do something towards decluttering one's mind from the illusions and vague reality we are soaked in in daily life, daily routines. Although it seems an enormous amount of time - it is just 10 days one invests into finding a bit of a truth in his/her life - something that is not to be accepted merely, because one read or heard about it, but actually experienced it. Into finding that all our troubles, miseries, fear ARE REALLY all rising within oneself because we allow them to, instead of... living a happy and CONSCIOUS life.
The Metta: “May all beings be well and safe, may they be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be, whether moving or standing still, without exception, whether large, great, middling, or small, whether tiny or substantial, Whether seen or unseen, whether living near or far, Born or unborn; may all beings be happy. Let none deceive or despise another anywhere. Let none wish harm to another, in anger or in hate." ❣
PS. This post is not to be any reference or a uniform description of the process itself, these are only my personal experience and after-thoughts, as everyone has got his/her own - as the reality of each and every single one is different. The key is to understand that and live by no reference or comparison at all! ♡
PS. This post is not to be any reference or a uniform description of the process itself, these are only my personal experience and after-thoughts, as everyone has got his/her own - as the reality of each and every single one is different. The key is to understand that and live by no reference or comparison at all! ♡
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